Crush your B2B Marketing Game: Sharing 3 Cool Hacks from the Pages of My Book!

Hi everyone!

I’m thrilled to share some of the B2B Marketing tactics from my newly published book: “The Ultimate B2B Marketing List: 200+ Innovative Tactics You Need to Try”. 

Whether you’re new to B2B marketing or an experienced pro, these hacks are sure to breathe fresh life into your strategy and likely boost your results. 

These B2B Marketing hacks are handpicked at random from a comprehensive list of 200+ innovative tactics, and I can’t wait for you to try them out for yourself. (Note: As highlighted in the book, always work with tactics in a systematic and methodical way and align them with your goals, audience, and overall marketing efforts, okay?)

Let’s dive in!

HACK 1:  Rank Top on Google Search ORGANICALLY within 24 Hours 

(In My Book under Part Four: Search Engine Optimisation)

Contrary to popular belief, it’s possible for companies to rank top in Google search organically within 24 hours (sometimes even within just hours), and it doesn’t matter if you are a very small company competing against global players.

The secret? Google Featured Snippets!

With Featured Snippets, your content is highlighted in the search results, providing useful information to the reader. This is a stunning opportunity for marketers, as they can rank higher in top keywords than their bigger competitors and attract relevant traffic to their sites.

Here are the steps to secure a Featured Snippet : 

Step 1: Identify the top keywords (long tail) you want to rank highly for using tools such as Ubersuggest, Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Seed Keywords (there are many more, and nearly all offer free trials).

Step 2: Build content that promptly answers questions related to the keywords. Use definitions (40-60 words and follow the Google Snippet Format), tables, and ordered or unordered lists (always use numbers, such as Step 1, Step 2, and so on), and keep the text simple, ideally at a 3rd-grade reading level.

Tips : 

  • Optimize the page for the keyword and include a relevant image in a 3:4 ratio named as the selected keyword.
  • Keep the content fresh, add more facts and trigger words, and add quality links for authority. (Number of facts and trigger words should be higher, and the content fresher than the current featured snippet. If no snippet exists yet, better yet!)
  • Answer related questions in Google’s “People also asked” section of your chosen keyword.
  • Get Your Full List of Search Snippets Code here.

Final Step: Publish your content (or contents) and see the magic unfold in 24 hours or less.

HACK 2: Effortlessly Create 10 Custom Social Media Banners in 5 Minutes FLAT!

(In My Book under the BONUS ChatGPT Guide for Marketers)

ChatGPT can be very powerful when combined with other tools. By combining ChatGPT and Canva, you can effortlessly create 10 custom social media banners in 5 minutes flat! Here is how you do it:

Step 1: Use ChatGPT to generate 10 relevant quotes or statements about your offering or target industry/ persona.

Step 2: Refine and copy the content to a spreadsheet.

Step 3: Select a template in Canva, and add your branding.

Step 4: Utilise Bulk Create, a feature in CanvaPro (free trial available) to add your content from the spreadsheet.

Step 5: Connect the relevant data fields to the template elements.

Click “Generate” and voila! You’ll have 10 custom social media banners in no time. (Note: Some final adjustments, such as spacing and element sizes, may be necessary.)

HACK 3: Remarket to Your Competitors’ Web Visitors

(In My Book under Part Four: Search Engine Marketing)

Did you know that you can run a remarketing campaign to the visitors of your competitor websites? This can be a highly effective way to reach a targeted audience and drive traffic to your own website.

By targeting the visitors of your competitor websites, you can reach a highly relevant audience who may already be interested in your products or services.

To set up a remarketing campaign for the visitors of your competitor websites, you will need to use a marketing platform that offers this feature, such as Google Ads.

Step 1: Create a list of your competitor websites and then create a custom audience in your marketing platform that includes users who have visited these websites.

Step 2: Create your remarketing ads and select your custom audience as the target for your campaign. You can then set your campaign budget, schedule, and other parameters to control how your ads are shown to your target audience.

And now, sit back and get ready to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and boost sales!

Share your thoughts on these hacks! Have you heard of them before or perhaps tried them out? If you plan to execute them, let me know how it goes!

I’m always open to feedback and suggestions. Stay tuned for more game-changing tips from my book – the ultimate source for innovative B2B marketing tactics!

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